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  • When I read this statement on your About Me page, I thought that's me as well. " Here I'm hoping to find other people who like to have deep intense conversations."
    So- today you kept popping into my mind off and on and I wondered...What would you like to have an intense conversation about?
    For me - right now - I am amazed at how similar all of the INFJ's characteristics and ways of interacting with others are to mine - yet there's a huge generation gap in our ages.
    I am going to go crazy just from the rain! I have only worn sandals once this year, and am wearing a sweater in June. Crazy. Oh, well. It was about time something happened here to scare the Californians away! :)
    Thanks for the question. It was nice reading your about me section. It looks like we might have some common experience beyond just the mbti type and I'd enjoy visiting with you. Best.
    Thanks for the kind words. Married 14 yrs here and still we struggle. My step-daughter is experiencing the shool of hard knocks right now. I hope she can learn from it. My four and I have good bonds, though the two older ones are asserting themselves now. I'm taking a break for the month of June from the forum. I hope to come back re-focused, more relaxed, and full of stories.
    For some reason the link to the smilies won't work in messaging like this, so I just have another tab for the rest of the forums opened and click the link from there. It gives a good list of all the emotes with the code for each one you can type in to this chat.

    Glad you like it :)
    I'm pretty new myself here but there is a huge variety of personalities and they're just so damn easy to talk to its tough not to join in. :tea:
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