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  • No, I don't think they get it at all. And many don't have the empathy to really care even if they do get it. I have been around individuals, but not whole groups, that are as good at listening, and are so supportive. It's really great. The "J" function among other things can be very organized, and even obsessive. It's one way people really get things done. Creative types can often be extremely obsessive. It's hard to explain, but we INFJ's have weak J's in many areas other J types don't like say keeping our house orderly. But in othe things, such as creativity or just plain thoughts in our heads, we are quite orderly and know where everything is. Mine comes out in these types of endevors.
    A bit mixed, but overall things are better than they were 6 months ago I feel. Financial pressures are easing and Michelle finally realized she has to take better care of the house. We are hanging in there, but have things to work on yet. I need to find a better balance of my online/writing time versus my time spent with loved ones. I'm really trying to concetrate on writing and that is hard for her to grasp. When I REALLY get into something, my J really kicks in. I had a recent blog entry about this in a little more detail. Thanks for asking and reading my blog!
    The test was a very interesting experience - especially when they got to the blowing cold and warm air into my ears while the goggles were closed off to light. The idea is to make one dizzy while they record your eye movements in the darkness. Wow - I got so dizzy I almost threw up. It felt like I was slowly being turned upside down while being out in the ocean on a yacht. Ugh.
    The results are not as profound as we thought they'd be. 19% affected in the left ear. They recommended vestibular exercises with a physical therapist. We don't have anyone here near me to do that - so I'm thinking they'll give exercises to do at home. Supposedly my right ear is compensating for the left ear's lacking.
    The doctor also suggested an MRI, which is what I wanted anyway. So I told them to go ahead and schedule one for me.
    I'm feeling a bit better today - although still a bit unsteady:dizzy:.
    I think I'll know more after the MRI.
    No more pain in my ear tho - that's good.
    Actually - I feel good enough today to work out. Woo Hoo.
    Thank you for asking about me!
    So - how are YOU?????????
    Nosy minds want to know....
    Thanks. You shouldn't be too worried though, I'm a big boy :P
    But I appreciate it!
    Thank you Norwich! You made me feel good and I'm smiling! I'll let you know what I find out.
    Oooo. Camping on the coast of Oregon! That could be fun!.
    I'm at home with ear problems getting ready to see an Ear Nose Throat doctor. He thinks I have Meniere's Disease and I'm going in for a big test today. He's had me putting mineral oil in my ears for days now and I was using small wads of tp to keep the oil from dribbling out all over my neck and face. I think some got caught up in there and it woke me at 3am this morning with pain. Sigh... This is not a good thing and I'm worried. Well - I'm a worrier anyway - but - this disease makes me dizzy on my feet all the time now. So - sometimes it feels like I'm experiencing fear which kind of triggers the worry.
    And I can't have any coffee this morning before the test and I know I'm gonna get a bit cranky for lack of my drug. Hah!
    I'm glad you're ok.
    Meh... I'm fighting a chest cold and ear infections - again. It makes me feel dizzy and weak. So - I'm pouting about it. Otherwise going through some more grieving and crying and spending alone time. It's quite painful at times - but very therapeutic for me. Some days are good - some not so good. Just like life.
    I'm finding that I really like living alone though. I'm thinking all INFJ's need to live alone - or else with each other. LOL I feel like I can finally breathe. :)
    Thanks for asking. I'm smiling here while typing this.
    Looking forward to seeing what your mind looks like wrapped around an idea...
    Thank you for saying I nailed it on efromm's blog.
    When are you going to tell us some more about your faith ideas?
    Well I kind of met outside here. She said you told her about my blog. I though you two were closer than most. No big deal. Thanks for the props on my blog too!
    As a mom you have deep reservoirs of self esteem. Every time you engage in a parenting behavior you build it up. Think about how many small judgments you make each day as you guide your children, could you do that without believing in yourself?
    Hey Norwich I'm doing ok thanks! My tooth is still giving me jib and I have a dentist apt. this friday... I'm happy about that, but nervous at the same time. How are you doing? :)
    Glacier Bay National Park was beautiful. But in general I just love any immense display of nature. All the little towns are unique and picturesque but it's hard for me to pick a favorite. I want to see more of mainland Alaska next time, especially Denali.
    hey thanks for asking. Yes I'm doing fine, I just had a nervous brakedown, lol. I'm in love with someone I had a date with who is away for 6 weeks and it is now week 4 and I'm affraid, since he doesn't keep much contact with me although he said we should keep in touch, that he has forgotten me.
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