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  • I've been thru Seattle a few times on my way to and from Alaska. Oddly enough, it was never raining.
    Northern California, near Lake Tahoe. But I grew up in So Cal, not far from Santa Monica. What part of Washington?
    lol indeed, I'll make some calls tomorrow. Btw, thanks for the kind comments about my family. My girls are AWESOME! :)
    :tea: Good conversation, Ambasol, Advil, tea and more good conversation (in that order) lol

    indeed, cheers to a new and lovely friendship :D
    I feel great today. I have today off work and I am going to visit my cousin and see what his setup is there. I may get my two little ones tomorrow too. My mother is sick and I don't want her to be burdened with them if she's sick. Feels good to at least have a direction. Thanks for asking! :)
    Aww thank you Norwich. I'm trying to keep busy. But denial is fading and reality is setting here comes the flood of questions I'll never have the answers to. I wish I could just fast forward or rewind time. I appreciate you checking on me though *hugs* How is life treating you?
    Nope no hangover :) was very hot today though...over a hundred again. Dad and I moved an old freezer of ours into the garage in that fun heat, luckily neither of us ever really get a hangover. Probably because we just drink straight liquor, don't mix it with anything that contains sugar.

    How you doin?
    The big group of light to the left behind Hayden Lake is Spokane Wa. Rathdrum would be to the right. I realized that I may have not explained it properly before. So you really must be from around here then?
    Yes it is Rathdrum! And Hayden Lake is the lake behind me. I have a night photo of Hayden Lake I need to process it before I post it.
    Heck yeah I do :) I think it got up to like 105 today? Was crazy! I've been drinking Jack Daniels and shooting pool with my dad most the evening, we've been having another long drunken heart to heart father/son talks...Its like we're making up for not being able to bond when I was a friggin awesome.
    Thanks for the welcome. Normally I only post on Lyme Disease forums, so this is really fun for me. It's also nice to know there are others here who are over 25! After reading the other comments here, I am off to read your About Me section.....
    Thank you! All is not hopeless, but there is hard work ahead as well as change. We both need to work on some things. I hope we can stabilize things one way or another for our kids. Thanks so much for taking the time to say a few kind words!
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