Hi, PJ, my dear friend. Please read this - the following text. Will you please tell me how do you think after you have read it? OK??
*You can be a successful person, the key to this is your desire to that success, and also the simplest element
in your life - the time!
So... (1) Physically. Enthusiasm - to keep yourself always being busy in doing the right things, (no more
laziness, no more complains, and etc.) DO more of that VISUALIZING your life in the future; And do more of
the things which would "build up" your life constructively!
And, (2) Psychologically. Somehow, PERFECT your mind, - make it much more stronger and more determined,
etc.. (3) Do not worry, things will eventually change a lot for you, if you are determined to it and SMART
Plus, You goal actually is to change your REALITY, from this reality changed to be that one, rigth?!!