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  • I find them to be quite fascinating, and also somewhat difficult to achieve.
    I'm not sure how obvious I can make this.
    I have a drop-bear as my avatar. Beware though, because they have nasty claws.
    I just realized we never actually got on the topic of lucid dreams the last time we talked.
    Have you ever had one?
    For the longest time I felt like you were blinded with idealisim with wanting to move to the US. But now, I really do see that you do have a clear vision to what you want and you do know how to achieve it. I think you just feel so strongly about it that you had a hard time communicating it clearly, but now you have. I really hope the US is all you want and more, keep going for it! :hug:
    Hey Pristinegirl! I lost that avatar for ages and am glad I found it again. My fav!
    Hello again.
    Not bad, just bored.
    Free to chat now? I could use the entertainment.
    Hmm I feel weird also about the loss of summer. It was a pretty crap one for me in terms of weather and what happened. I mean, we're 9 months into this year, where did it all go? It's good to hear your enjoying something! And yeah, it is shitty weather here! It's freezing today.

    I am looking forward to uni, the course and living away. I'm supposed to read this book of some film director bloke for the course but I really can't be bothered. I know that sounds bad but do you think they'll really care? I don't. Plus I'm not paying for that tome! It's like
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