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  • It is nice chatting with someone else at this stage of life. I have two kids, both boys. My oldest will be 17 this summer and my youngest is 10. As I recall you have a teenage daughter, but I don't recall the age range of the rest of your crew. What ages do you have roaming around your house?
    =) Thanks. I absolutely adore my tattoo. I used to have an Iguana but he was mean. Sad days.
    Hi. Yeah, I did. I suppose that's what brought that little oddity about our family's pet care to my mind. I think it was part sweet and part cheap. He died pretty quickly though. He was heavy and had diabetes. He suddenly went blind and then died within a week. Our other cat was recently put to sleep, though my family hung on for as long as she seemed happy. It is not an easy thing to lose a long-time pet through any means. The family cat that was recently put to sleep was about as old as your Vince. Odd to say, but not wanting to leave her had been a huge factor in my staying with the relationship in the past. I was very sad when she finally did go because I hadn't been able to see her much through any of her sickness. I took her to the vet with my boys the first time because my ex-husband was at work, but after that I just got glimpses of her at the door.
    Thanks my are's about to get's a non stop rollercoaster ride from here!!
    It was interesting seeing you write that i remind you of you at this age. Never expected that. Could you explain, unless you've already explained this in your posts.
    Oh, and then I see your note and I'm not sure which one you are commenting on! Really both apply to you. I hope you found compliment in either. Clearly my brain needs some oiling before participating in these fast moving things, huh?
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