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  • Thanks man! I'll go and read what you said in a few minutes. (The internet at Denny's is rather slow)
    I'll be done with classes soon, and I have a relatively light work schedule until June. Maybe coffee sometime soon?
    So I finally wrote something tonight for the first time in almost 5 months. I'm rusty as hell, but it feels good to be writing again. Hope work went well!
    Seriously. The weeks have been pretty decent, but the weekends for the past month seem to be dark and dreary. But then again, we live in Michigan...

    I guess I won't be too mad if it turns out to be a bad weekend. I'll be locked away all day/night studying. I do hope it's nice enough where you two can get some time to plant. Pass on that green thumb!
    Thanks, and yeah it's most definitely all good. Different strokes for different folks. Definitely a good write none the less. Hope you get a chance to enjoy this awesome weather today!
    Thanks for checking into my blog Keith, I'm sorry you know how I feel, lol. Needed to cry sucks as I dislike crying because it hurts to be at that point of being so overwealmed that there's nothing else to do. I hope you're doing better than me atm. Love and hugs your way *hugs*
    Thank you for posting! It was fun. I'll be reading through your poetry while you're away. =)
    I'm loving the mushiness doll! Also I want you to know I've been crazy busy, but I haven't forgotten about reading your poem. I'm looking forward to doing it. It will be soon. <3
    Sorry I haven't been around much lately, or able to keep up on your blog. It's finals time and I'm playing catch up it seems just about everywhere. Hope all is well!
    i see. yeah to me it sounds like that would not have much fulfillment or meaning. but it's whatever
    I do declare you my only trustable friend at this moment. No one in near vicinity is safe.
    ah i haven't heard of that one, i will be sure to pick up the first next time i am in b&n, thanks for the advice! yeah him including himself was a bit off the wall but i agree he worked it in well enough. and i hear your frusturation with waiting for the next book.. that can be downright aggrivating. oh i wanted to give you props on your explanation on how it feels to finish writing poetry i couldn't have said it better myself, i think it was on the same thread as my comment on SK but you put it into words very well. i also wanted to say i enjoyed the recent pictures of your family on the members photo thread, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and it made me feel good to see such relaxed happy children thanks for sharing :)
    Thanks for the rep :). You sound exactly like someone I know. She always says that she has a deep yearning to create art but not the ability. I wonder if you guys might surprise yourselves one day :). What kind of art are you interested in?
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