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  • so we cyberdate - rats!
    now i have to develop an addiction to yoo-hoo and have it sever our relationship:(
    I slept wonderfully, i've been taking two four hour naps a day.
    i would love to talk with you, how do you feel about phone conversations?
    I'm going to go to sleep for 4 hours. You can join me if you want. Otherwise I'm going to have to call the staffy so that I have something warm to cuddle in bed.
    You're also obviously a good cook. Possibly as good a cook as I am.
    And if you think of animals as nothing more than moving vegetation with shorter lifespans, than i can cook you a magnificent meal.
    And fun, and nothing you've written thus far has made me think of you in a negative light. You're also gorgeous, like some cool music, and cool shows.
    that was probably a good thing as I tend to hit on everyone. But you fulfil many more of my desires than satya or silently honest or wolfe do... for instance, you're a girl.
    What? My hitting on you wasn't obvious enough before?

    I want to fly to Canada at the end of the year. I also want to get dual citizenship there. :)
    Don't take any commitments I make to you before I've got the money to go to Canada seriously, but do take my interest serious...
    The INFJ/ENTP thread was to make you more aware of the wonderfulness of ENTPs, in particular as partners (so that when I eventually ask you to come watch a play with me, and spend the night out at a cafe you'll be more amenable) and the menu of delights thread is to see what you love to eat.
    Lyrics are 80% of a song to me. ACDC has a lot of puerile humour in it, most of their songs are double entendres, but they're done awesomely.

    :) Did you like my poem?
    I like a lot of humour in my music. However I also listen to a lot of ACDC, Bon Jovi(Independant Life music) and Billy Joel(Romantic Liver music)
    I have all his music. I bought it when the US/AUD was only a few cents from being equal.
    He's very good. What music genres do you like?
    I prefer his Mandelbrot set, Re: Your Brains, and Skullcrusher Mountain... But that one is cute too.
    heeyy, so... do you like Jonathan Coulton?
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