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  • It made me think of the synapses of the brain...it seems to be a giant brain!

    Thanks for solving that particular mystery though...that was much better than a black box!
    nope i didnt make it but the artist is on tumblr at woerm.tumblr.com and you should definitely check it out. i think geometric art takes a certain kind of skill or ability to pull off that i can never really get, my mind slips off mathematics like water off a ducks back.
    Pretty goodl! I am in a conference room now working with my team. We have a report that needs to be done by Thursday. Friday was an intense day for us also, we had all kinds of presentations and demos in front of all kinds of people. But, we're doing great so far. (:

    How are you my dear? What's going in the world with you?
    How did you make or get the file?

    This could indicate an incomplete transfer or something of that nature.
    Does the hash of the file match up? Is it corrupt?

    Try unzip or gunzip then untar the remainder?
    Support isnt\wasnt bad, I actually like helping people. Last job was technical support helpdesk\call center. I did enjoy hands on in a hosting center a bit more before that. Either way, both were light years better than what I am doing now in EVERY way. Even if you get support to begin with just get your foot in the door and then move into what you really want to do. Good luck.
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