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  • How do I reply to your reputation comments, lol! I don't know anything! Today is so embarrassing! *hides face*
    Undergrads between spring and fall are any man's dream. It's literally side boob and bum cusp galore here!
    Haha well I already actually watched Pirates of the Caribbean and Jack Sparrow kind of took care of that.

    But it's been a while since I've seen somebody make a touch joke so that just added to it haha.
    Hi rawr))) How's Texas??? Snowing here! 6+ inches... and it's below freezing, so the roads are bad and people forget how to drive!! We had a 20 car accident on i5 where someone died and they had to life-flight others to hospitals! I'm not leaving my house!! >_<
    Hey, Let's go!

    those scenes are gorgeous. The way the mood changes from day to night is stunning. The brown caves/carverns are really cool.
    :( I can't be a good kitty now. I'm pouting. hahaha! .. actually. I kinda am. Life is so hard for me. It's not fair. told you. I'm a bad kitty now.
    I believe the answer is in the pre-edited version of that blog post. But the answer is yes the 31st time they got together.
    And now the house smells like burnt cap. It must have been one of the big ones because it was loud and is stinky. It scared me when it popped.
    Well fuck. My power supply blew a cap. Now I am REALLY having a shitty day!

    Luckily I had my old one laying around and it was a fast swap, and the board and drives seem ok. But now I have to listen to this shitty fan with a bad bearing on it, the reason I replaced it.
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