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  • I need to find this window and see if it's worth tapping! ...yes.. I do mean that in multiple ways!
    Well it's challenging but not really hard. Not like it takes days to figure out or anything. :P
    Yeah I'm kind of the same way until I mess around enough for things to click then it almost does become tactile. Kind of like the Rubik's Slide except the pieces aren't just virtualized to LED's, the whole puzzle is virtualized. Or even Puzzle Pirates (which I'm horrible at) o.o

    Lol it's going to be anticlimactic I think...

    Make the word numbers into digit pairs and use those as hex
    Hey! how have you been! I've been good. preparing for my move to Australia now haha. how have you been!
    I like your avatar. There's something wistful about it, looks a bit like something out of a Hayao Miyazaki film.
    Yes, I has. -.-

    Definitely wasn't me who did this crime against PBJs everywhere because my process is perfect and to spec. PB first, one slice, use other slice to clean knife, jam. It isn't hard.
    I am good! I started painting my kitchen ceiling, but had to stop half way though because of dinner. I went to wash out my paint roller and tray only to discover there is block in my drain I didn't realise was there was white paint water was all over my patio. Now I have to go and do a big job on my drain and patio in the morning before I can continue painting. Lame. How re you?
    I prefer my way, it can also be applied to other areas. You're not procrastinating, you're exploring alternative working patterns. You're not jerking off, you're expressing healthy self-love.
    Thanks. Your evil ya know. Pushing my "unwanted" issues around. Not very nice. Was it because I said I don't believe in Satan ?
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