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  • No I mean case as in the state a square can be. It can either be X, O, or empty (default). This appears as three cases. However, since empty is the default case, and for purposes of determining occupation by itself X or O is irrelevant, you really only have one state which is different from default.

    Basically any square that hasn't had a move on it is already open, all squares start open, so it is more efficient to exclude squares as they are used rather than figuring if they are allowed beforehand. If it hasn't been used before then it definitely is allowed by default.
    I voted awesomeness ;). Btw, I LOVE your avatar...I want to pounce on kitty before kitty pounces on me. I love how he wiggles his butt before doing his thing.
    Yep, scoot right over :) *cheers*

    Ohoho undercover? Mmm I get you, I felt the same way too as a senior. But I just realized how much learning and continuously growing intellectually is a trait that is deep within my spirit! So, what are you thinking about doing once you get out into the greater world? Until my next phase in life, I be striding onward like this: :m043:
    Aye aye, I remember "those days"...felt like my mind was all fried up like pancakes. But trust me, if you're any bit like me, you'll be dreaming of sitting in a lecture hall once again *swoon*
    Mixture of paralegal/admin assistant. Honestly it's a LOT of admin work and it's driving me nuts...feel like my brain cells are dying from the lack of stimulation. I miss school...
    Hi!!! ^_^ i'm so glad you noticed. I thought I would come back into the swing of things n' rejoin you lovely people!
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