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  • I've never done it but my guess is that it's worth a try.

    As long as the raw data is written properly it should boot, I mean you can write this stuff from a system that lives solely in RAM so my guess is that a VM will also work so long as it correctly emulates the writing to disk.

    As for actual partitioning though I'd use a live CD for that part. I'm not entirely sure of the consequences of emulating that, it may or may not work as you expect so I'm not sure on that one.
    just trying to keep the shreds of my sanity that are left :) what’s going on in the world of the rawr?
    jessie schram from dark skies. Its funny because I had just changed my desktop and normally have a landscape picture of some sort. Had just watched the season on amazon though and the idea to change it.
    Hello, Rawr.

    My signature is self-devised. It represents years of personal observations and psychoanalysis.
    A lady fitness thread? Awesome! Where is it?
    Oh yeah I usually don't eat before I workout. I roll straight outta bed and do my squats!
    Oh yeah the 1st week is hard bcuz that muscle hasn't been worked, but it'll get easier.
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