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  • Openbox could do well I'd imagine. I haven't used it as my pen drive Linux has Fluxbox (Damn Small Linux) but Openbox does look good also.
    No problem! I knew you had to be close to done with it unless there was something out of this world going on with your stuff. :D
    It's also possible NetworkManager may be getting in the way.

    ps aux|grep -i NetworkManager
    and see if it is running. It might not appreciate changes being made directly to /etc/network/interfaces
    What have you got in /etc/network/interfaces at this point? Did you use a plain text key?

    And oops I did it again lol.
    There's not a huge difference and they both work, and in fact you can set both of them on the same thing.

    They start up slightly differently and some devices like allow-hotplug to be present, or even need it. It's unfortunately not well documented.

    Normally you'd use allow-hotplug for USB stuff or when you won't always have the connection.
    Also ifupdown is considered legacy now. It's pretty much still around for backwards compatibility stuff I guess.
    Ah, I see what's going on.

    ifup may not work the way you expect it to if the distro has a network manager that handles stuff.

    Otherwise though in /etc/network/interfaces you may need something like
    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wireless-essid [ESSID]
    wireless-mode [MODE]

    But it can be different depending on if you have WEP and stuff. What you need to put there varies.
    I've done it on BSDs and Debian and stuff but I've done a lot of them and it's hard to remember all the crap so I wouldn't be sure what to say.

    I do know that not all things work out of the box, especially not wireless devices. This has been improved for new devices but some old ones may not work properly.

    There's usually a list somewhere of what distro can handle what hardware specifically, you might have to find that. I've had to patch things to get crap to work in the past, including patching up my own BSD kernel to get around some little documented ELF support bug on the processor I was using.
    Tell me about it. At some point, I stood over a lathe and a mill for a 4-5 hours straight making automotive parts.
    Might have better luck with gparted instead of fdisk.

    I'm not really sure what all is going on there, it's hard to say much else.
    That last one might have worked, those errors are some times normal. Nothing seems overtly wrong just yet there to me.

    Partprobe is known to be buggy in some cases, you're not the only one who's had this kind of problem. Doesn't necessarily mean that anything failed (other than partprobe obviously)

    Edit: or in other words, reboot and see if it took. Forgot to say that.
    We will see what happens when you redo it I guess.

    It should have one, at most two partitions with one being unknown, if the two partitioning programs didn't quite speak the same language and over ran some sectors.
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