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  • Couldn't hurt to mount it. I'd mount everything just to make sure it's all in order and nothing is missed.
    Well what you'd be doing once you've made the LVM itself is to make logical volumes on it (volumes are different from partitions)

    It's like taking all the partitions, clumping them together, sharing the space, and making volumes on the shared space.

    Did you make the volume group? After you make it you should be able to add /home to it for example with
    # lvcreate -L 10G VolGroup00 -n lvolhome

    After you make all your volumes you should be able to put the file system in them like
    # mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-lvolhome

    And then mount it with
    # mount /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-lvolhome /home

    Yeah it has to be primary or logical.

    Extendeds aren't really partitions so much as containers for logical partitions. It's easy to slip up and try to do something on the extended partition when you really want one of the partitions contained in it.
    Also if you think it needs to be bigger then go ahead and make it bigger.

    Worst that can happen is that /home would run out which isn't a showstopper.
    Oh wait!

    I think it's supposed to be # dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX bs=4096

    did you have the bs operator as well?
    My understanding is that isn't actually an error. "no space left on device" just means that it's done filling it up with junk.
    32gb should be able to handle anything that goes into /tmp and /var (these two being the main reason that it is that size) unless you're running a server or doing some really serious compiling.

    Basically you separate /var and or /tmp if you actually have a danger of filling them up by accident.
    Ok from what I can estimate, 32GB should be sufficient for / with some room to breathe.

    However I have never used a media partition and am having trouble finding out what the purpose of having one actually is, because /media as a mount point hypothetically shouldn't even need more space than the little bit of info that says the directory is there takes up.

    I mean on my system my / is 4.6gb because I have stuff separated out and in fact this is pretty big, it's only 6% full. I never have to worry about it. But even though /media is under / and / is 4.6gb, it doesn't fill up when I load a 400gb storage drive there because that data isn't on /media, only the mount point that leads to it is.

    So I don't understand the media partition and can't really help there.
    I meant I just don't get the concept. All it seems like to me is they took away the start button and made a start page. Which seems pointless. And switching between open windows is pretty ridiculous. I opted out of the touch screen so I could have a larger monitor, but I'm thinking that was a mistake.
    Hmm let's see... 250gb?

    There's so many things to consider and there's truly no 'right' way.

    For example, if you have a /home partition, you won't crash the system by filling up stuff in /home. But if you make it too big, you could be taking away from / (and thereby /var or /tmp) so that working with large files, like sources, will still run your system out of drive space on /.

    Let me get into my Linux system so I can get a look at what I did and why, and I'll get back to you in a few.
    And also you can do custom partitioning schemes with some of them as partitions and some of them not.

    Haven't done Arch lately so I don't know whats up in the manual installation aspects but theoretically it doesn't matter. I've had /home and /bin sharing a partition before by using symlinks.

    As long as you have a mount point directory and all the stuff that's supposed to be in that directory is at the root of your partition you're mounting there, it won't tell the difference.
    It's like /mnt but /mnt is for explicitly mounting devices in your terminal by typing in the mount command. ?media usually has stuff put in it automatically when you pop in a CD so generally you won't be putting stuff there manually (though I suppose you could if you wanted to)
    It'll be mostly the same directory structure as a lot of it is standard.

    There's some different things in arch, such as /bin and /sbin not being real anymore. They're moved into /usr/bin, but they will still be in their original spots as symlinks for compatibility.

    /media is usually a place for mountpoints of removable stuff (CDs, DVDs, pen drives..)
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