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  • And this actually works well because on my current system if something gets hosed, say my Linux drive gets entirely blasted, it won't lock me out of Windows. I just get rid of the Linux drive and make the Windows drive primary and it will boot like nothing ever happened. Vice versa as well.
    And additionally, the main way I avoid having MBR's clobber each other is to use different drives so they each have their own MBR and if I get too worried about it I just unplug some shit.
    Oh and I might add - don't TC your Linux partitions. My understanding is that it won't work, instead you'll want TC for only Windows and something else for Linux that can be handled by GRUB
    Don't know about TrueCrypt much but if it has a bootloader you should be able to chain GRUB into it so that TrueCrypt is your initial loader and GRUB is your second loader where TrueCrypt calls up GRUB, and GRUB will handle your LVM like it normally would anyway.

    I've had several boot loaders in a chain for a while. Actually my computer still has a currently unused drive in it that was only used as a bootloader to boot other bootloaders.
    Hah yeah.

    I imagine in our heads it goes something like this:
    <Guo_Si> Hey, you know what sucks?
    <TheXPhial> vaccuums
    <Guo_Si> Hey, you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
    <TheXPhial> black holes
    <Guo_Si> Hey, you know what just isn't cool?
    <TheXPhial> lava?
    I figured. I'm just wondering why it didn't work.

    Somebody confided to me that they didn't get what I was saying, so I dropped it. But my thought was "How can you not get it? Do you not know the meaning of the words I'm using? Is that it? What is it? Why? WHYYYYYYYY!!!?"
    I had a lapse in brain function and read that as "i got a pet cat!" Petting one is just as good too though... *le sigh*
    LOL I know. I just pick one and deal with it.

    Taking the time to find the one I actually like best out of all of them would negate any convenience or enjoyment I would have derived from it.

    It's worse than trying to sell my trailer that was only worth a few hundred bucks. If I abandoned it I'd be out a few hundred but if I kept paying lot rent trying to sell it, I'd end up out by thousands instead. Absurd.
    I just viewed a pic of you in the Member Photos thread. I can see some similarities in the eyes and smile.
    That's me yup.

    Working night shifts at Dana took my internal clock, threw it out the window, and ran over it with a bus.
    Also I liked XFCE a lot, it's more than a window manager and closer to/is a DE but is still pretty light.
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