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  • oh thank you for the vids. i didn't know such help existed.
    i will watch them when my attention span isn't as heinous.
    it took me an unfortunate amount of time to discover how you got that monkey.
    hah embarrassingly unaware.
    I know the feeling, and that's in part how I developed a meticulous nature.

    It's gotten to a point where I'll go over an entire set of instructions and perform it in my head before doing it for real. In fact now I go over things start to finish in several passes, first read it all and take note of any warnings that stand out, or things that I don't understand (then I'll go clarify those so I don't get hung out in the middle of building), then a more fine pass to make sure I haven't missed anything, then if I decide I still want to do it I go ahead with the actual process.
    And if you're frustrated I recommend slowing down and coming back to it later.

    I learned a lot of stuff on shell accounts where I wasn't under pressure, and newsgroups and stuff, just casually. If you find the right people and ask them nicely they can also explain things to you (more rare these days)

    If you're bothered by it though, it's harder to learn and easier to make mistakes. Just a suggestion.
    Also have you tried Gentoo?

    I found their tutorial to be easier to follow when I made a Gentoo system a long while ago. Though the Gentoo paradigm is a bit different which effects space requirements (build everything from source...)
    Haha, I guess it did sound that way eh?

    I didn't know how to better formulate it. This is really the first time I've asked for help with regards to that. :P
    No, no. Not at all. Things with B are great.

    It's just that the past creeped up on me today, and I felt saddened by it.
    I wish to know how to get rid of the sadness. That's the part I've been struggling with. :/
    I am.

    I really want to know how to deal with it, so that I can move forward confidently. It's been holding me back. I tried to on my own, but I couldn't figure it out.

    I am at a point where I desperately need guidance with this.
    Doesn't much matter I think, I think GRUB is a safer choice though as it is probably more flexible.

    You could probably use Syslinux as it is also chainloadable as far as I'm aware, but more info about fixing stuff is probably available for GRUB since so many people use it. If you wanted a truly light distro you could probably go with Syslinux (or ISOLINUX) though.

    If it were me I'd just use GRUB, at least for now, to at least get the system built as a draft without having to worry about it, then once you're familiar with it and have a framework you can nitpick it and change bootloader and stuff.
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