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  • Cuz the post you said it on was me saying "Took you long enough".. Just seems out of place since I've already had the av up for a while now lol
    Yeah. I hear a couple of guys who were up to no good starting makin trouble in your neighbourhood. You got in one little fight and your mom got scared, and said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air".

    Sucks to be you.
    How's tricks rawr. You chillin out; maxin relaxin all cool; shootin some b-balls outside the school?
    Yes, you do! It will do wonders for you in the morning, haha. I enjoy coffee for relaxation but also need it to function most days during the work/school week.

    I've been a reader my whole life but like you, took a break and only read school books for awhile. The summer of my first year of law school I went on a binge though and read 6 books for fun and now I don't know why/how I ever stopped. Reading is my way to unwind and 'get away' from my crazy busy schedule for a little bit. You should try reading a book for pleasure with a cup of coffee and tell me you don't love it ;)
    I will be on the look out for something nice then. (:

    I am great. Busy 90% of the time, but I learnt to take a breather every once in a while.
    How have you been?
    Thanks Rawr!! I just rechecked the times and it's an hour earlier than I thought! Woo! Good thing I checked it!.. otherwise I would have been in big doodoo.. can't work without this certification >_<
    Excited for it to be over with(:
    Happy weekend to you!(:
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