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  • It did but after a virus, the tech people forgot to put it back on - but it still worked? It was there but not? Basically it was weird haha~ So I stupidly didn't worry. Now, two years later, it stops working. Whoops. :P
    Hm, that's a good point - the journey is definitely important. Chocolate cake it is, then! :D And yeah, my Windows died or something? I have to buy a new Windows 7 but no where sells it anymore. :/
    Thanks! Who would have thought purple and grey would work so well together? I was actually inspired by my comforter on my bed, it's grey with black and purple leaves...er, well it was...it's been washed so many times that the purple's nearly gone....but at least now it matches all of my sheets, haha!
    First? Hmm. That'd be a close tie between having all the answers to pesky problems and chocolate cake.

    Because chocolate cake can magically solve everything.
    I know. It was a huge wall of text. I just wanted to contribute something worthwhile and it took me a bit of language to properly format my thoughts and express my views.
    Consolidate rather than have two, you mean?

    The reason why I liked both was so that the debate could be public, but the actual problems/advice could be for members.
    It would give 'passers-by' a chance to see that there are people with these beliefs on this forum in a considerable, but not overwhelming, number.

    If you think INFJs might be hesitant to sign up...Spiritual ones will be even more so and seeing that there is more depth to discussions of Spirit might help.

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