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  • Nope, none of those options worked. Either they can't see the drive or they can't access it.

    Thanks anyway. Seems the only choice is send it to a data recovery company or just accept that the data is lost.
    Hey rawr, how're things? So, I could use a bit of advice right now. I've got a flash drive showing up as removable media, no media in disk management. I can't seem to fix this. The only option seems to be to reformat the flash drive. So, do you know any programs that can extract data from an unusable usb stick? I've searched for one, but to no avail.
    good, real good. i just have a busy life, and usually when i get off work i only have a few hours to plug into my xbox or youtube before i have to get to bed and raise early... it doesn't leave much time to do all i want to do.. such is life.. *sigh*
    but i'm good.. how's it been with you?
    ... ...


    Just busted out laughing. Pretty sure that just made my morning.
    He looks like a curious blend of shocked, confused, dismayed, and imploring
    It only looks confuzzled because it is not yet with a rawr. :D

    "C'mon, I'm ridiculously fluffy, meow??"
    True, true...

    *strokes imaginary beard in thought*

    But... Fluffy!!!

    Maybe one ball of fluff would suffice, I suppose. ^_^
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