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  • still not sure. based on my blog entries, i'm not sure T seems to fit especially with the tendency to express feeling. Doesn't seem like a T trait. But J seems certain. I am a J think. I'm not sure if between the blogs and the forum posts, there's a sense that i'm more INFJ vs. INTJ, or even INTP. But i don't fit the profile of the INTJs i've met (at least online). So, still not sure.
    LOL. Say that when we're filled with walkins....you might sing a different tune then. ;)
    It's gorgeous. :D I just wish I'd brought a heavier coat. I'm not bad, but it's a bit busy 'round the ol' office.
    I want some dark chocolate.

    Dark chocolate with almond
    shavings. YUMMMM OoO
    I must say that even one look at this page of conversations between the two of us with those kitty avatars made me smile, so thank you.
    I didn't find it boring before all this merger BS. I was doing a lot of MSI engineering (Application Repackaging) and I have always liked networking technologies, although we didn't do much with it here beyond new infrastructure implementations which weren't common. We used Novell Zenworks and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager automated deployments which became a big niche for me. I did a little bit of everything and I enjoyed it a lot.

    Now it is all bureaucracy and paperwork, two things I detest and I have gotten pretty burnt out.

    Large corporations tend to silo everything out, meaning that you know one tiny aspect of one subject and little else, which makes things inefficient as hell and drives me nuts.
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