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  • Yeah, only okay, pretty up and down today. But okay isn't all that bad considering. And what about you, only alright?
    there's nothing to apologize for. especially if someone tells me in about 10 years, that i seem 20-something or early 30s, i'm definitely going to be taking it as a compliment. :D
    Thank you very much!
    And I suppose I could...lol
    That might make for an interesting thread.
    It's a good thing. It gives me this feeling of complete comfort. My grandma used to throw in a load of towels as soon as I got in the bathtub because a warm towel with a hint of Downy was the only thing that would coax me out of it.
    Mmm, you still seem to have that "NF" quality to me. I'm not convinced you're an NT. ;)
    Oh okay, that's good xD. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. I have nothing else to do all day but waste time. Mostly on teh interwebz.
    It was. For the first month or two I was quite secure in it... I was miserable and lonely and basically wallowing in my own misery. And I didn't want to talk to anyone. Not talking - or rather, being unable to talk - kept people at a distance from me. But at the end of it, it got very frustrating. I wanted to talk so bad, but it was so hard, and the people around me didn't help. They didn't understand that I couldn't, and that screaming at me to "just talk!" and getting angry with me didn't help at all. Eventually I worked myself up to it. Every once in a while i'll get too anxious or stressed and find myself unable to make speech come out my mouth, but it generally doesn't last more than a day or so. Unfortunatly i've now been not speaking again for almost a month. But i'm getting therapy for it so hopfully i'll be able to get back to talking again faster.

    ...Oh my gawd sorry for the novel. xD
    Haha, I actually wouldn't mind being an ESFJ for a while, my best friend is an xSFJ and she seems to have fun =)
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