It was. For the first month or two I was quite secure in it... I was miserable and lonely and basically wallowing in my own misery. And I didn't want to talk to anyone. Not talking - or rather, being unable to talk - kept people at a distance from me. But at the end of it, it got very frustrating. I wanted to talk so bad, but it was so hard, and the people around me didn't help. They didn't understand that I couldn't, and that screaming at me to "just talk!" and getting angry with me didn't help at all. Eventually I worked myself up to it. Every once in a while i'll get too anxious or stressed and find myself unable to make speech come out my mouth, but it generally doesn't last more than a day or so. Unfortunatly i've now been not speaking again for almost a month. But i'm getting therapy for it so hopfully i'll be able to get back to talking again faster.
...Oh my gawd sorry for the novel. xD