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  • The influence map was a template, yes. There's a link on the thread that I followed, and then I just downloaded the blank template and added my own pics.
    I'm actually not in college yet. I actually am hoping to go to university to study psychology (major) and writing (minor), and I'm cosidering a few schools. I was originally wanting to go to college, but decided it wasn't really for me. I have a wide range of interests, most of which I'm passionate about, so I need a broader approach to education. I don't know how soon I'll be able to get into a school, but I'm determined to get to that point within the near future, hopefully this year.
    The picture with the cross streets is my church, actually. I created it for slide backgrounds for a youth service. I guess I could say I'm somewhat of a graphic designer, but as a hobby. I tried it as a job, but it didn't really seem to fit. I feel a lot less inspired and original when I have a deadline.
    The influence map (which apparently isn't showing up for some people), is basically a poster type thing that includes pictures of people, places, things and such that inspire you as an artist. Really open-ended and a great idea. I think someone on DeviantArt came up with it.
    understandable, I'm not a fan of HM, but Miley Cyrus has some pretty good songs. Her voice is getting better
    Hi. I'm doing OK. Went to a concert Friday, and I'm exhausted. I'd prefer to watch the band on YouTube than experience them in person :D
    I always test ESTP, sometimes ENTP.
    So I read more about and discovered that I was not a feeler, related to Ti a lot more than Fi (same for Fe over Te)
    Not sure about S/N tough, but I think I'm more Se and identify more with ESTP than ENTP
    You're damn right it's fair.

    I suppose you're on the other side of the spectrum?

    Though I would much rather be wise than happy, and I will never change my opinion on that.
    Eww that class was gross! I liked chemistry my sophomore year and geometry my freshman year. math=disgusting (The other reason for the switch)
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