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  • I guess not. What do I know? I've never been to Mexico.

    I've heard that it's more difficult for many tourists to get out than to get in.

    < emote src="smarty pants winky face" >
    I'm good thanks, thanks for asking. How's school going? Are you finished? If so, what are your plans for the summer?
    Thanks, nothing in particular. My opening thread just tells people to ramble about anything, lol.
    The concept is amazing. If the writing equals the direction, then I expect to see an Oscar contender come next March/April. :D
    Yep - Inception! I just added the speaker in my signature. I had to look it up, because I didn't know the character's name.

    Ahh, yes. We're busy on all scales in an insane way. Pretty soon we'll be doing the Guidebook sessions. Yaaay...:P
    Lol! Thank you! Good ol' counter-culture.

    Heh...what's funny is, I saw the promo for the new movie with Leonardo DiCaprio (the one made by Christopher Nolan), and one of the other characters said this to him. I thought, "how wonderfully apt! I love it!" and I added it to my siggy. :D
    thankyou for hearing me :) to be honest i think most of us on the forums are pretty damn similar at the heart of it, regardless of type.
    Aww you're so sweet, but in my experience dreams are best left to the imagination, and a practical focus applied to the real world. i'm such a dreamer inside, but to be so outside of the boundaries of my mind is to risk having them shattered :( i guess i'm just afraid of failure..
    Its my cognitive function spread which can be edited on the user options in user CP. you can change it any time..so it does not need to be constant :)

    Glad to talk to you :), hi!
    I think if I am ever to have a pet, it'd be a dog. Cats are a lil lazy and demanding haha :P but i do find them to be beautiful creatures. =)
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