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  • Okay. I ask a lot of questions. I forget that some people don't like that, though.

    Well, if you find them, feel free to PM. Because I have so much college wisdom and everything. On a more serious note, if it's something you really care about and want to pursue, you will fit in. That's all it is. People who really care about one certain thing.
    Well, what exactly do you want to be? And, I mean, why wouldn't you fit in pursuing that major? (Am I being really nosy?)

    Oh, and thanks for the reps. I definitely don't have a photograph in that thread, though, haha.
    I graduate May 22nd and yes I'm heading off to college! I'm anticipating a great experience.
    I just went through the descriptions again and I seem to vary between the two. I think I'm mostly a J with P tendencies. We'll see.
    Thanks for the reputation comment! I'm pretty sure I'm an INTP, at least that's what all the the quizzes say. My friend is the reason I got into the test in the first place and he swears that's what I am. I think that my T and F are just rather close.
    I'm currently enrolled as an Art Communications major, but when I transfer, it'll be Public Relations. I have a lot of journalism, economics, and psychology ahead of me either way. You're going for something with business/computers, right? I think I read that somewhere.
    Well, enjoy the rest of your year, then. Do you guys have a senior song yet, haha?

    Sweet! I only had to take one math, which I got credit for in high school. I’m about to finish my second science + lab credit, and then I’ll only have to take a marine bio lecture. You might actually really love college once you get all of the mandatory stuff out of the way. I’ve finished all the most unpleasant parts of my core, so I’m getting a little more excited about the classes I’m about to be taking.
    I'm kind of great. (Oxymoron? I try to emote in moderation.) I have finals coming up, but I'm through with the semester after this week.

    When do you graduate? Are you feeling any better about the whole college thing?
    Well, it's good that you've been drama free! I'm hating the allergies right now. This is my first year really having them. Bleh.
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