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  • Lol @rep I suppose but I am looking for the perfect man for me. I doubt he is out there. :/
    Yes, thank you. :m163: I only ended up with about an hour of sleep, but it was worth it. I'm in a weirdly great mood which has helped me stay awake (along with caffeine, of course). :)

    How are you doing today?
    well... if you like sci fi cinematography, moodiness and hot asian women check it out sometime :)
    can't wait! - have you seen 2046? old but still very beautiful and somewhat sad movie. The protagonist always makes me feel that it is an infj male struggling with a lost love.
    hm, you seem to be well stocked on hugs and kisses, so have a frodofly instead:

    250 questions over 6 hours? That's intense. Do you plan to eventually go into systems security?
    Did you at least have some experience with similar products like hyper-v? v Just creating a basic vLAN requires a good grasp of the client and the manuals (with the exception of the SYBEX study guide) are pretty useless.

    Yeah, the RHCSA is on my list of stuff to do over the next few years. Need a bit more experience in a professional environment to take it yet.

    That really sucks. It's one thing to fail, but to be only a few points away.
    Yeah, but you've got a degree. I need those fancy pieces of paper to show that I can do computers good. And who knows, one day I might suddenly need to know the difference in cabling, distance and connector type of a 1000Base-CX and SX.

    Did you get much training with vsphere? It can be pretty unituitive to work with, especially the web client.
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