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  • That's a trap. You'd just be distracting me while your feline cohorts raided my food supply.
    I've heard it's lovely. I'm more excited than I am nervous, thankfully, lol.

    You've been getting into the catnip, hissing at strangers, and insisting on falling asleep on people's laps, haven't you? *shakes head sadly*
    BUSY! But I'm taking a vacation for the first time in like 2 years in late May. I'll be hitting up Colorado. And it'll be my first time flying. :m196: I've travelled but always in some sort of vehicular contraption. What mischief and mayhem has rawr been up to?
    Hmm damn. Still on the fence about my next upgrade, though it may end up being the imac with the specs I mentioned last week. Oh man, dat price tho... T_T
    Hey, your friend who built the hackintosh, do you know how long has he had it and what version of OS X he uses (maybe also what he uses it for)?
    Your user title. According to google it's either Spanish for far away or a firmware replacement for Lego Mindstorms programmable bricks.
    It is, and it's chilling in a way too. It brings to mind the aftermath of a major disaster, like a war that has left thousands dead. This is the music you hear in the midst of that.
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