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  • It? The picture or just in general. If the picture, yeah its a data center where they not only used crossover cables but did an exceptionally bad job at it. I have to assume its a joke. No one is that lazy.
    I get that, but in the context of this conversation I think the person purposely did it to express somewhat negative emotions? I ended up getting a snarky comment from them eventually too xD
    Great, and now you owe me a dollar (A US dollar specifically) & yay because US currency is worth more than Canada's :D

    -On the road to becoming stinkin' rich-
    Work is good, and I've mostly just been playing GW2 and trying to clean my room, and other stuff. I still need to work on some paper crafts to mail to friends, too.

    Also, I just now had a weird dream about you that was kind of nice but also sort of sad in a way. I'll try to send a message about it after work today, maybe. Have you been okay?
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