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  • Your user title is gone and I decided to post any movies with that in their name for...reasons.
    Gone With the Wind
    Gone Baby Gone
    Gone Girl
    Gone Home
    Gone in 60 Seconds

    ...that's all the movies I can think of.
    hehehe =)

    ive got another wooonderful joke for your amusement and delight. Why does the seagull live by the sea?
    Ahh I see I see

    It's sad because Stats is the most interesting course I'm taking (compared to the others, it's all mostly accounting classes.) how sad XD

    Baha but yes like we said before at least they are over!! Can't wait till I'm finished =_=
    Buaha ahhhh D;

    That sucks! At lest it's over with now for you, though =] Everyone complains about Stats but I actually love it in comparison to Accounting. Did you take that course too?
    I think the problem with Accounting is that it's just so mind numbingly dry and it takes so much willpower to put effort into the course. Intermediate F & M are killing me =[

    Did they make you memorize all the equations too? And did you do Regression Analysis..? Fuu-
    Yeah duddee I liked Managerial at first, now I'm like fuuu-
    Both suck lOL. Were you considering Accounting when you took those courses?

    I'm positive that I literally; literally BOMBED my test today :(

    It's okay, just looking for someone who can relate to the struggle D;
    I remember you saying that you took an Accounting course in Uni, was it Managerial (I remember sunk costs being mentioned as well) xD
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