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  • Some people say: ''no they would never do that'' but the truth is that those people wouldn't do that but 'they' would!

    They are not like us

    They are diabolically clever and incredibly manipulative and i think part of the reason why so many people struggle to get to grips with the depth of this thing is that they fail to comprehend just how cleverly manipulative people are capable of being

    Here's the thing about psychopaths...they aren't weighed down with the baggae that the rest of us are...they don't worry if they are doing the right thing, they don't give themselves a hard time when they feel they have transgressed and they don't worry about being liked or any of the usual stuff....all they apply all of their thought power to is gaining power and influence

    When thought is focussed on one task it can take things to incredible complexity...it can build schemes that would shock normal people whose thoughts are spread over a number of concerns

    Perhaps to some it is more reassuring to believe in stupidity over evil genius...but that creates a blind spot for evil genius to operate in!

    Crazy world!
    Buaha next thing you know you'll be working with him. In regards to the bunny song you can tell him the reason bunnies are every where is because there's not enough stoats around xD
    Thank you for those lovely cat photos!

    Here's one just for you :)

    Hey, Rawr. Can you delete the job offer thread? I got the advice I was looking for but would prefer to not have that archived for all time. : )
    Thank you, sir.
    OH! I thought it was a state or something. I was like 'that doesn't sound like the US O.o' xD
    Thanks rawr for the rep comment and thumbs up with my fitness... you make me giggle! :)
    DD: Buy it, pour the contents out and then keep the bottle :3

    Lol jk, the flavours sound yummy though. Mocha, Vanilla and coffee. Lemme know if you try it out~
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