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  • Hi! Sorry that I hadn't been around much. I had a chance to finally meet one of my online friends (whom I've known for 10 years) three weeks ago and for some reason the weeks following somehow got busier. I've mostly just been using my phone to do stuff.

    I don't think there's any difference other than names. There might be if one is standing, but I usually do mine seated.
    I don't like being the downer but I don't see things like, "sweetheart", "nice guy", "good guy" as a compliment you give to a guy you are interested in. At least that has been my experience.
    He is an exceptionally rational person who is never really subject to any strong emotion. While I know he cares for me, I cannot really understand how/if he feels love. So I fear a response that will negate how I feel, or not be able to relate to it, etc. Because he is so stoic as I person I feel like allowing myself to be THAT emotionally vulnerable to someone who doesn't experience a lot of emotions puts me on the line.
    He bought a cheap tape measure for tailoring or whatever from bodybuilding.com. Just a few dollars. I broke it though haha. You can just use the spreadsheet starting today, or on whatever day you want to "start" so to speak, even if you are already in the midst of a routine.

    C has a very, very fast metabolism. It is fucking insane. He actually tracks everything he eats, all his measurements, all his exercise, etc. He is trying to gain mass. He was doing strong lifts but switched to 5/3/1 and is seeing AMAZING results. He is very slowly putting on mass (1-2lb a month) but his body composition has improved significantly.
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