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  • Rawr? It's sorta creepy/sexual/weird all in one simple selfie... This person will be horrified!!! Hoping you work it out. Hugs!! :m096:
    Eeeeeee!!!! When I went to read our conversation there is a selfie of a woman in the background.... who is this???? That's strange....
    I used to play it a lot, it's an awesome game! :) I got too addicted to the mods though, lol... Made the game a little bit slow. :S

    The music is amazing and makes the game world feeling much more real. You should try it!
    Teheh awwwe seeing Toothless always makes me smile ^^

    Yeah, that's for cutting - in response to Special Edition's current goals. No way in hell could anyone make any serious strength gains on that.
    Baha, tell me about it xD. I'm going the cheap route and am going to try to get the phone on a 2 year contract
    lol, awwwwe, that's adorable.))))))

    Hey rawrz))) Hope your week is already looking up.))

    :hug: ))))
    Lol is there a line of code for your 'View Message' area? Where that background picture would be so you can find it and delete it? I can press 'Hide User Customizations' on my end, but in every other 'View Message' link on everyone else's screen it'll be there =/

    Who is this chick with oodles of tooth paste?
    About the 'creepy selfie image' it only shows up if you click on 'View Conversation' -it's in every one that I can tell. I've only clicked on one, lol but I'm gonna go ahead and say it's in every one that I can tell.
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