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  • Mmm. It hasn't been that way for awhile for me.
    I would say at least a month.
    I throw up in my mouth less. That is all it took for me to be converted.
    I agree, it did happen too fast. It was a little bit wistful to know that the series what you've been watching for many weeks, ends... ;_;

    I really liked Sun & Jin! I'm not sure did I shred few tears when watching the show, lol. :) Rose & Bernard were good too.

    The ending happened too fast, I think should have been a little bit more clearer. :/
    You're my first thumbs down =D (LOL sorry about the one I gave you earlier XDD It was a mistake~)
    Yeah, I agree. :) It was very confusing... I'm not sure if they all were dead and in the heaven or not?
    What a lovely song, thanks for sharing. :) Lost was a great show but little tricky though, haha. Because you never knew what could happen next... :)
    Aww, so adorable. ^_^

    Haha yeah she's been there for a while. I just assumed she was a love interest of yours or something along the lines of that.. l0l

    Dat's hilarious XD -never using a real pic of myself as a profile pic EVER-
    Haha I didn't know it was a short hair :O I thought it was a persian kitty, but I'm so bad with cat breeds XD

    BTW, who is that in picture in the background of your conversations page??
    Awwe yay Mishka is too sweet ^__^ She loves everyone! <3

    I wonder if you'd like Chowski's then (Chow Chow + Husky mix)

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