Recent content by Reon

  1. Reon

    [INFJ] War Games: An INFJ/INTJ Relationship

    I'm an INTJ, 22, and college educated (Started off as biomedical engineering, switched to Anthropology and graduated) so I'm in a similar life stage as your INTJ. The first thing that hits me off the bat is that I don't think your Ni's were aligned as much as you think it was; I think your life...
  2. Reon


    First off: Don't do anything you're not comfortable doing. If he is your soulmate, or just a good human being, I'm sure he'll understand. Your have justified reasons to feel the way that you should do and you should never feel bad or compare your relationship and what is happening in it to...
  3. Reon

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    Just a note of clarity: when you say American Male style of dating: do you mean white american males? All males including homosexual ones? Does this include trans* men? -- Outside of that, crazyabouther, do you actually want to date this individual? You haven't described her in the most...
  4. Reon

    [ENFP] ENFPs: the least intellectual NF?

    I have no statistics for the average intellectual capability for ENFPS but from my personal experiences, I believe that they have a different way of thinking; this way of thinking being eluded to in the quote. If we are to remain locked into the brick and mortar conception of the types, INFJs...
  5. Reon

    How to better resolve conflict between INFP and INFJ?

    My current partner suffers from GAD. As such, we have to go about our arguments in a very particular way for both of us to be sastisifed. I have found that using a marker board is really good for having discussions because it acts as a barrier and a path to concise and meaningful thoughts and...
  6. Reon

    Job I'm applying for seems like a bad fit

    Although it's a bit unusual to have two interviews for one job in the non-profit work sector, it is fairly common to have two interviews for individuals who work in finance. Typically you meet with HR and the director of the program which seems to be the case with you. The secondary interview...
  7. Reon

    Yep, yep~. I like to keep the dream alive

    Yep, yep~. I like to keep the dream alive
  8. Reon

    Do you think it is ok to fatally harm someone because they are bad or killed someone?

    I did not read all of the posts in this thread but I'd like to pitch a few points - The death penalty is ultimately more expensive than keeping a person alive, in prison. The death penalty, with appeals included, is costly because of court costs for the state, media exploitation, and various...
  9. Reon

    INTJ-INFP dating

    Ah. I am an INTJ who simply wishes to test his might. It is an even playing field, why would a sully such a truly magnificent thing with cheating and preparation. Winning through split second decisions and true intuition is something all INTJ seeks and accomplish! I see. Cool beans :). I'm...
  10. Reon

    INTJ-INFP dating

    Fair enough. A gentleman must let the opponent be prepared therefore it be a proper duel. INTJ forum has racial undertones (and back in my hey day, I guess that would be 4 to 5 years ago now.) there was outright racist remarks in a few threads. Misogyny with that forum is weird. The picture...
  11. Reon

    What is racism?

    I'm another military brat and I regularly go on base (and have base friends from other parts of the country) and I have to admit that I've never seen anything like this except for the snooty stepford like wives.
  12. Reon

    INTJ-INFP dating

    Many INTJs have that mentality and I understand it as well but I understand that some people really love hearing "I love you" or like holding hands and being hugged. Communicating my feelings isn't exactly an easy thing to do (It's just hard. I have to realize what I'm feeling then I have to...
  13. Reon

    INTJ-INFP dating

    e I'm one of those super soft hearted INTJs (along with Stormy1) and I want to describe my experiences with INFPs that I've considered dating and I've been around. Unlike most INTJs, I often don't think my way is the simplest and easiest (all the time. It depends on the person and what we're...
  14. Reon

    INTJ-INFP dating

    I'm glad you had an overall positive experience with this thread. (Un)fortunately, INFP-INTJ relationship are very intense and if the two aren't able to compromise and they don't share similar values and things like that, it can head down hill quick. With that being said, I'm glad you can remain...
  15. Reon

    INTJ-INFP dating

    All relationships need two things: honesty and communication. You should ask him about how he feels when he's talking to you while he is putting you down. He may be unaware of his tone. He may also be aware of the fact that he's hurting and he is irrationally attacking you. He also may be one of...