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  • T
    Hey, we don't care about spelling.
    We're retarted, right? (cwutididthere?)
    We're just too awesome.. I befriend you!
    (I'm cheap and have no standards at all, so this might not be a compliment.)
    My day has been pretty good. It's cloudy and cold, but I've been productive today, so I'm happy enough! Oh, and in case I haven't said it before, I'm really glad to have you back here :)
    Sleep is good, but yeah, let's both hope for an adventure next weekend. Report back to me with full details! :D
    Oops sorry I completely forgot to reply. It's good you're back! You were away for quite some time. Thanks for the new year wishes and I hope your new year is good too :D
    I have been better! how about yourself?

    How are things?

    p.s. this is a Random convo. by the way.

    I simply saw ur name and had remember u were the only one i had spoken to that time i was gone from this site. hey! wat up?
    New Year's eve was fun. I spent it in the attic with my missus, dancing to cheesey pop songs and watching fireworks through the open window. How was yours? :)
    I haven't been up to much, but the holidays all went well for me. many unread threads did you have :D
    No no, thankfully it stopped, and it should get up to lower 30's this weekend. I'm getting a degree in computer science. It's been fun but the math side isn't so much(Too much proof writing for my liking).
    Mainly cold, very cold(Been around -20 all week), but somewhat excited. My last semester starts next week and I'll have a degree soon. Hope you've been doing good yourself!
    I'm glad if you've sorted out the things you needed to. That RL is a pain eh. :D
    Well I'm fine, thank you for asking. Life is life, and I'm trying to focus on the good bits. Currently I'm sipping mint and chilli tea and thinking of Spring. :)
    Thank you for the rep :)..when I saw it I just fell in love with it...sooo cutte..and yet calm xD..*sleepy*
    You're back!!! :hug:I can't tell you how happy this makes me. I've been quite worried about you. Welcome back! :D
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