I just see it as good discomfort. It is hard but then again, what I want to do in life is hard, I'm not really scared of pain physical or otherwise. House mates are... bearable. It's not a deal breaker but it weighs on introversion a lot though. I've got 3 other house mates, 2 of which are on the same course as me and 1 who is a good friend of mine/co-film maker!
Haha, you might do. I'm just leaving that option open for you, should you choose to ever say it!
It's funny because, that's what this place is for. Not exclusively but... no one would've thought less of you for it. You know, a lot of have been requesting temporary bans to get away from this place for a while. I did, for a month, throughout November. So I'm mightily impressed that you were away without having to get banned!
The place has had quite a few political up-stirs and a lot of members dropping out. Seems weird. Lot's new members but it's the same old place, as far as I can tell.