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  • I no longer feel comfortable inserting my hands
    into the warm, pulsating human body. Feeling
    the blood rush up to cover my fingers and my
    palm just no longer sits well with me. If the body
    were a body and not alive, I would love it.

    Oh, and I also just refuse to be a regular medical
    doctor. I will specialize or do nothing.

    Florida is hot and humid. Neither of which I particularly enjoy.
    I love the ocean. Very very much. But I would prefer upper
    East coast or West coast, not the Southern coast at all.

    Good job.
    How do you think you did?
    What does your chem class consist of?

    Med school.
    I've decided I can't pursue a career
    in the medical field.
    Now I don't really have a career goal
    in mind but I figure I'll be much happier
    later in life.

    Florida winters are lovely.
    But I love snow.
    But not the other o.

    Well, I was, and guess still technically am
    double majoring in chemistry and genetics and
    minoring in economics. But I'm going to change
    my major to literature and possibly, more than
    likely, continue to double major only instead of
    either chem or genetics I'd prefer french.
    I will tell you some things, other things I won't.
    I guess it just depends of what you are asking me.

    It's a nice day today. It's supposed to be warm
    today, 75, it's been relatively cold, 40s - 50s,
    for the past... two weeks? I'm looking forward to
    the warmth. It is already incredibly warmer outside
    now than it has been all week.
    Okay. I shall admit my question was vague.

    I'm from Indiana.

    How much would it bother you if I asked you your major?
    Oh golly golly gooseneck my.

    Where are you from?

    If you were paying attention to my means of communication,
    you would not have had to analyze anything, as the intent
    was blatantly clear in my vocabulary choice.
    You are fun. I mean this, by the way. No sarcasm.
    I didn't ask what pleased you,
    I asked why. You just didn't
    care to pay attention (;
    I knew what you were talking about.
    I posted immediately when you
    brought it to my attention, sorry :x
    I don't base people off of their types.

    As feelers though, I would assume it's
    safe to roughly say that INFJs are
    emotional, however the grasp we have
    on our emotions varies from person to
    person as we are all individuals and
    have different lives.

    What do you know of INFJs?
    I'm not really that normal.
    However, if you want to read the nicest thing that anyone's said about me:

    So, I think yes. Those are normal hobbies
    for INFJs. Solitary things, minimal verbal communication.
    I have a lot of hobbies, actually. I trade
    them on and off. I devote myself quite
    passionately to something until something
    else catches my eye.
    I enjoy running.
    Painting, gardening, baking
    things for others, soccer,
    floral prints, reading, being
    I'd rather not ruin the surprise.
    Sorry :x

    My dear?

    What are your hobbies?
    I am very well aware.

    That is what private messaging is for
    however I hate going through and deleting
    You may call me Stellaluna.

    I do not want someone ingraining their
    presence in my personal affairs so I have
    gone out of my way to ensure that said
    person has no access to my slightly
    private visitor messages.
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