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  • That would get very irritating. I feel that way with an Estp friend of mine. He has no boundaries and does not seem to comprehend the meaning of no. I give him an inch, and he and he takes a mile.
    My good sir you and I both know based on our conversations that
    you are not a heartless robot. You very clearly displayed emotions.
    It's when you watch the beauty of giraffes.
    When you share it with them it means you
    watch the giraffes together. Just think about
    it. Like that scene from The Lion king (lol).

    Oh yes.
    I was sharing giraffe love with you because
    I care about your emotional well being.
    Yeah. Do you think a man who steals to feed his starving family deserves less time in prison than a man who stole for fun?
    No, I meant that it was turning in a debate as big as the abortion one.
    I'm no NT, I don't want to debate.

    I want to talk about stuff like omgg whos the hottest guy in the worldzzz or wats teh best lipstiXXX mines like... too glowinnn :S because i have a high IQ
    Yea of course =O
    It was just a little random comment that I wrote without really thinking, no need to start a new abortion like debate xD
    Oh well that sucks, she should have respected how you are too =/
    But that wasn't what I meant by "enjoy being young" lol
    Yes. I like to take immaturity and give it a big hug.
    But since it's not physical, I end up hugging myself.
    Does that means something? :P
    I'm officially ESFP.
    You can now hate hate hate hate me because you hate hate hate hate ESFPs and because you're rational and we're not. :3
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