Well, a friend asked me that same question last year as well and I didn't really have an answer. My answer to him was that I wish I can change something in the world, make a difference of any kind. My answer is still the same, but now, ever since I've had these problems with my close friends, I've decided that I should work on who my real friends are & how I should work on making lovely relationships rather than worry about people who could go on with life and act like they've never known me. Sorry about being mean or sounding depressed.
Being an entrepreneur, eh?! Well that's a huge thing, very risky though, kinda like that though. I love being risky at times, being spontaneous with things and decisions as well. It surprises people around me because I'm usually not that spontaneous, but as an INFJ, I think we have our own wild side of things
Don't you think so too?