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  • @rep -It's going to cost around $4000 however I'm going to fill out as many scholarships as I can to as many as my school will take. The professor I'm working with sounds enthusiastic that I'll get at least one if not a couple. The plan for me is to get all that I need to not pay a dime lol. I do however have to put down a $500 deposit sometime soon. And while I have the money it would make my balance go to $200 if not less. I don't like the idea of my bank account balance being that low =/ but I have to go! I'm invested! x)
    I'm doing good.. :D
    Glad that you want to take up Masters..
    take your time thinking what to pursue this time.. ^^
    Yes, I've read the thread hehe..
    About your question.. is it contour? lol.
    I'm not so sure... "profile" sounds good to me.
    Hi Sarah! Sorry for being late.
    Been busy these past couple of days.

    I'll be answering your pm later. :)
    Also your question about Vanellope, hehe.
    Hello.. I'm good. Just got busy lately... ^^
    Hmm with Diet Thread if its personal put it in the Member blogs
    If its not then you can place it in The lounge? lol.. not even sure about that!
    How about you? :) How are things with you?
    Oh you deserve it! I really like what you did!
    So that's how you celebrated your birthday... :D
    (You and Vanellope seem to be quite similar actually.)

    Haha, well you're right, but some don't discover it.
    I'm glad you did! :) :clap2:
    Hey Sarah, sorry I just read this now.
    No prob, you can message me any time.
    I like hearing updates of your activities. :)

    Always take care as well! <3
    he's doing very well, so big now! I'll post some pictures as soon as I can. Take care of you. <3
    I'm glad you are doing so well! You've had some good days recently. Remind yourself of them on your less happy days.
    sure - just PM me the thread links and the titles you want them to be.
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