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  • Hi there Sarah! Thanks for the message! :)
    Right now, I'm taking Hindi and Nihongo.
    Is Persian similar to Urdu?

    Haha. I'm glad you like our dialogue. Of course, you could join in our exchange.
    I've never tried TinyChat though... Let's wait for what Breathlesslessangel has to say.
    unfortunately, the chat is not that great.

    you just have to keep reloading the page until it works.
    trying to be better :)
    if you have any song on your mind or any youtube video then please share with me and thank you for asking
    Thank you so much.. :)
    You're like my mirror then hehe..
    We feel the same thing..
    Yes, sure.. I love to be your best friend. :)
    and I'm always here for you.. anytime!
    Yeah, I'm not one for ultra sappy romance films either. :p But I just cannot help it with this one, heh.

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