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  • Great to hear that you're doing great haha..
    I only wish 60 hrs a day to happen with happy days lol..
    but if its sad days.. I hope its only 12 hours haha.. :)
    Thank you so much, my dear friend!
    Everything is okay.. ^_^
    I hope you are having a blast watching movie with your friend.. :)
    I more often than not only hear about your leadership, Radical Islam, and nuclear dispositions. I'd like to hear what it is like living in Tehran as an individual.
    Awww dear, thank you! <3 I'm feeling a lot better at the moment.. It was just one of those nights. :)
    Thanks again. I'm trying to be nice, but it doesn't always turn out that way. Sometimes I must be stern. You seem nice, too. Tell me about your home some day...
    Haha.. hello as well.. :m057:
    I saw that hello on Satori's
    Just tell me the first movie to watch hehe..
    in our film group.. :)
    re: rep

    Ah. I know the feeling. There are quite a few things I tend to avoid now because I associate them with people I'd rather not think about. Memories can get tainted when relationships don't pan out well. Ergo, you now have the desire to avoid certain places or things which you associate with the person.
    Well that's a great way to start reading again. :smile:
    Let's all work together to make the project a success.
    Haha nice! I wish I could also get a hard-copy book about film history.
    I have high hopes for this club. :smile:
    Hi Sarah! Well, the Silent Era is the whole period of film-making (1890s- late 1920s) when they only had visuals to work with,
    since they have not yet invented anything that would synchronize sound and picture. Sometimes, they would use live music
    at the theaters, but the movie reels in themselves are all without audio, thus are called 'silent films'.
    When they finally found a way to include sounds around the late 1920s, many filmmakers started making 'talking pictures/talkies,'
    but there are those (like Charlie Chaplin), who still believed in the art of silent films and produced such even during the sound era. :smile:
    Haha. Thanks a lot Sarah!
    I enjoyed doing it.
    I hope the others will like it too. :smile:
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