Eeeeeeeeeee!! Someone to discuss therapy with!! You had asked earlier about EMI. Eye Movement Integration therapy has become the main therapeutic modality that I use in working with clients who have experienced debilitating trauma. It is incredibly effective at accessing and integrating traumatic memories- really a trip into the clients' unconscious. Such a humbling experience and an honour to walk along side clients working through their issues. Completely client driven, EMI uses a variety of eye movements to release unresolved traumatic memories. I am in absolute awe of the self healing powers of the client and this technique! I could go on and on and on.... kind of difficult to explain. My client this afternoon was sharing how powerful the experience has been for her, and how it has truly given her life back to her. WOW!!!
My first love is mental health therapy/counselling so that is where I have focused my career thus far. I became a Sessional Lecturer several years ago and teach an undergraduate course usually once a year. I typically teach in the Fall however taught in the Winter semester this past year (Dynamics of Death and Terminal Illness- I could not pass the opportunity to teach this up). I often consider completing my PhD (I am a Social Worker) and now with my passion for EMI I may just move forward with this goal. One of my specialities is working in the area of disordered eating, so doing a dissertation around EMI and eating is capturing my attention. We will see how that all unfolds.
I am feeling so comfortable here on this forum- blessed, I am. Hugs!