Siamese cat
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  • T
    I think they're all cute ;D
    I'll show you one of mine:

    You're better? :(
    Then I don't have any excuse to hug you..
    I'm fine. I seem to be having one of my asocial moments where I don't like interacting with real people though :P

    You can watch me anytime ;D
    Well hello there young lady.
    How are you doing this rainy day?
    (Not sure if it's rainy there too.)
    The 'glass of water'-cat did it for me.
    I'm glad I made you smile.
    And how could I ever run away forever? :(
    I'm off to bed too. Good night! (Dream about lolcats)
    I'll be your partner in crime.
    (Wait, you're talking about killing others, right?)
    Haha, really?
    That's awesome.
    People around me never take me serious.
    Only my best friends.
    I think we'd have serious conversations too.
    You shouldn't be worried about me mistress.
    A cat always lands on his feet ;D (That's an expression in Belgium. I'm not sure if it exists in other languages, but we'll make it exist.)

    I'm also fine. Thanks for asking :)

    I've been reading your blog.
    It's a shame that such an awesome person like you ever feels lonely.
    I'd probably offer you a hug if we knew eachother in real life,
    which you'd firmly reject, because I always feel the urge to add
    'You know how much it'd arouse me..'
    (Man or woman.)
    Oh god, those pictures made my day.
    What are you doing up at this time milady? :P
    hey np, your post was honest and relate-able. maybe someone can take something away from it, thast the way i see it.
    Wow sounds really rough with your bf, I really hope things will work out. Do you need to talk about it at all?
    I am still completely up in the air about everything, I have to get my car paid off first of all though, and that involves getting a job ASAP after this one to pay it off while I am getting paid severance.
    Oh I meant getting physical with my ex-roommate. We weren't getting along so well.

    With the parents is ok. It is not where I want to be but I had to get out of that last place, it is only for a couple months so I will make due. I get along well with my parents.

    Sounds like a great idea for a project! I am not totally sure where I will be moving. It depends on what kind of job I find.

    Sorry to hear about your troubles, have you been arguing?
    Why are you sad? I hope you feel better soon. What kind of project are you doing?

    I am not alone, I am taking temporary residence at my parents' place for the 2 months I have left in this location then I will move out of the area and get my own place.

    I was convinced that if I stayed where I was any longer I would end up getting into a physical fight.
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