Siamese cat
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  • Oh so yummy looking now I am going to have to make an afternoon pot of coffee girl!
    Aww thank you! I am doing well, been pretty busy this last week or so, how are you?
    I studied theology and cultural studies in undergrad and Philosophical Ethics in Grad school.

    I volunteered with inner city kids at a YMCA during my time in college. This also led to me being a Big Brother- a mentor program where you are paired with another kid. We would do things like go to a museum, play basketball, go to the park or go hiking. Good times.
    :) When I worked with children while in college I could always tell which kids were bothered by "time out" and those who enjoyed it. I would usually pass them a quick smile. Like introverted telepathy they would return the smile.

    Thanks for the rep!
    I haven't had the chance to get out on a boat, So I usually just go off shore, to depths around 15-20ft, which isn't that deep considering.
    pls be my fren so we can hav spamming of cat pikshur

    Znam, mislim da u nekim društvima i ne shvaćaju taj tip problema...:) Nadam se da ćeš biti ok bez obzira na svoj izbor i posljedice!
    Im gonna have to let that question simmer in my mind for a little bit beofre I can put it into words.
    Different in that people are less sensitive and there are less thoughtful posts. There are many threads that are just jokes. Also I've noticed less infjs, and more Exxx.
    Gotcha, thanks! I've been apprehensive about using it since I had no idea how to, lol.
    oh hai! Say, I'm having a senior moment...but how do you tag people in the forum? Do you just type @username?
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