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  • T
    The travel takes about 1.5-2hours
    If I wanted to train my full body with just home equipment, would buying dumbells suffice?
    I can go out running on my own (there's a forest near my home and I love to run there) and going to the gym is a pain in the ass when I'm in the examperiod.
    (It takes about 2.5-3 hours away)
    Love to please you sir <3
    I heart you.
    I do. It's a big part of who I've always been, although it is very different now. I am quite confused on it all to be honest, or maybe I know, without really knowing.

    I believe in something bigger, something greater, an infinite purpose. What it all comes down to is that I believe in Love. If God is love, then I believe in God.. I believe that God is love.. and I do pray, it's just not very conventional... kind of like I'm constantly talking, hoping, thinking, loving, praying into existence.

    Why do you ask?
    I thought it was hilarious. But maybe it needed to go in the Mature Section? I don't know..

    I'm a bit under the weather today. :( But it's not a biggie, just a bit of a cold. I have a lot going on right now.. despite the fact that I'm a little sick I still feel pretty great.

    I have been feeling very inspired and empowered lately. :) I've also noticed a lot of people's, I don't know.. I want to call it their social consciousness stirring, or awakening if you will. I've noticed a lot of positive changes in myself also, and although it appears a lot of the people, myself included, had to go through something rough in order to wake up, it all feels very positive..

    Does that sound weird?
    Hey there, hot pants..
    How are you?
    I think I will in a little bit, still have stuff to do, just no driving.. yay! :D xxxooo
    Feeling a bit better, just wondering how things were going in the life of TomCruize. :) Also, I think it's funny that if the forum should ever be stranded together and we were forced to go cannibal, you might be one of the first to get eaten. *shakes head* I tried to stick up for you, but to no avail.. :)
    I smell like cheesburgers.
    Attracts dem hungry wimmenz.
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