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  • Thanks buddy. Not sure what earned me such a high compliment, but I appreciate it. :)
    Ahh It was not like Sweden at all which I would have thought seeing as it was occupied once haha. Still what fascinated me the most was that in such a 'developed' country, up untill 3 miles from Oslo there was no organisation, crappy infrastructure and fields of nothingness basically. Whats with that? xD I took the buss from there to Stockholm, but damn the signs were shit! I couldnt find the ticket place which was supposed to be beneath the art Gallery, up and down here and there, everywhere and everyone kept directing me differently.
    Either way, people are much much more hospitable and friendly in Norway than in Sweden!!!! They are the better Swedes!

    And know what you mean, the Socialist party in Sweden are asswholes too, as are all the other too for that matter.
    Hey Sithuous, by the way I was in Norway over the weekend. We drove to Oslo. How do you like Norway yourself? Especially seeing as you just won yourself 4 more years of Socialism :/
    I dare say I've always been an ENFP.

    I think I have a well developed thinking side though.
    yea :D I think it's actually funny, because they enjoy the thought of being intelligent and good in debates, but they lose to you while you probably don't care about it and get a good laugh out of it. The irony :D
    Yea I've seen it, I don't really get it, because they just made a spy account on the forum, and I think the link between Sithious on intpc and Sithious on seems closer than the link between Sithious on intpc and Shai Gar on (I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here)

    Maybe they aren't as intelligent as it seems..
    Haha I loved your story :D You really like star wars huh? :p
    I love you for your intro on intp. Want to cuddle?

    Well, I guess I understand where you're coming from. But does that mean I won't hear from you anymore? Boo!

    Anyway, good luck and stop by from time to time and say hello. I kinda liked knowing you were around..

    Things are okay here with me. No, I'm still on vacation. We wont finally settle til the end of the month or beginning of the next. I wish we were done though. I need to get back on track if you know what I mean.

    Tell me about your work out program. Any good music you listen to?
    Haha I realized that only ten seconds after posting, well I am from New York. Et vous?
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