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  • pretty extraordinary:

    Thanks! This place is brilliant so far :) It's quite rare to find such a nice place on the interwebs these days, so I'm glad it was recommended to me.
    I will try and find it later when I get off of work...thank you for the your avatar of my favs.
    I am a fairly blunt person, I came to the realization that regardless of what you do say or how you act others will like you and others will not.
    I just try to be genuine....of course being human there are times when I fall into the same ego traps and put on a mask, but I always try to catch myself and refrain.
    Have to go...will be on around 730 tonight.
    Your way of expressing experiential knowledge is disproportionately direct and refreshing for that reason. I would be curious about your opinion in regard to the movie.
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