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  • I'm guessing you meant to ask how upset I'd be if the Giants lost? I don't know, I'd probably be a little irritated today - was a big game.
    I can help with uploading if you can't figure it out (and if you want to do it), have a youtube channel I don't use for anything.
    Probably pretty simple/boring, as I'm not very expressive on camera - I'd probably just give the basics - Name, MBTI type, Interests, What I did today, One like/dislike about people...
    Florida's not too bad. I visited once. The only thing I didn't like was the humidity-- I felt like I couldn't breathe.
    The thing about the job sounds funny. NYC was a great experience both times I went. It's one of the centers of the world, so you get people from all over. You hear people speaking all these different languages, dressed in all these different kinds of clothes, and so on. It's got a lot of beautiful places, and I especially liked the vegetation. I live in CA, so there aren't much trees out here or anything. NY itself is pretty much a forest area. The architecture and the history of course are really nice, too. I especially loved the subway for reasons I can't fully explain. The unpredictability and the anonymity, the underground tunnels, being able to go wherever you want, the endless possibilities of people you might meet on a certain day. To me, it feels like your life can change at any moment, without even trying.
    So, you like Hey Arnold? Have you ever visited any places you've liked?
    That's funny :) Yeah, I'm much better, thanks!

    My friends and I do that all the time, that's funny that she caught you being goofy though. Hope you didn't get sick.

    How've you been?
    Hang in there, skippy. I think you're a super cool, nice and genuine person. I think the right people will want to be around you once you find them. I get most of my interaction in this place, honestly. Things tend to go not as smoothly in the real world. Idk exactly why it's so hard for me to be there.

    Whenever i visit NYC, I always take the subway. Millions of people take the subway every day in NYC. You see someone one day, you're likely never to see them again, unless you're on it at that same time every day, and they are too. My name is subwayrider because it is synonymous with anonymity. Where do you live?
    You'll get iron from different things, you don't need to supplement it in a multi - more apt to overdo it that way. I used to take fish oil, I havn't as of recently - have a minor allergic reaction to them now - Definitely an excellent supplement for joint, brain, and skin health (if you've got extra cash), if not just skip it. I keep it fairly strict, but I'm not as hardcore as I used to be - and I only do serious cutting/dieting during the summer.
    Definitely... :m197:

    Anyway, even if you don't I'm sure there's some way you can strike up a conversation. Just have to find the right subject, you can try talking about work stuff - since you already have that in common (workplace/bosses/whatever).
    Chasing the spanish eh ese? Well that would be frustrating; I should have guessed - it is Florida after all.
    tonight my partner made himself dinner. when i got home from work i asked what he had and he sheepishly admitted he only had a peanut butter sandwich. i think he would starve to death if i wasn't here lol
    My favorite random greeting is - Hello there, Buckalo! It's even better because it's not a real word...

    Do you ever got off early, or have time off for lunch? Maybe you could ask her to go for a walk - or something similar to get to know her a bit better.

    I don't think that's wrong :heh:
    unfortunately it's my job to run the household so it falls on my shoulders. yes i got it fixed finally and the dishwasher too. *Yay Me* i kid you not yesterday i broke the lock on the front door.
    seriously. this place is jinxed! (or maybe it's me)
    Yeah, I hear you, something about tattoos not sure what - that girl I was with Sat. night had a very nice flower tattoo on her back...

    and yeah, that stuffed dino is pretty awesome.
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