Florida's not too bad. I visited once. The only thing I didn't like was the humidity-- I felt like I couldn't breathe.
The thing about the job sounds funny. NYC was a great experience both times I went. It's one of the centers of the world, so you get people from all over. You hear people speaking all these different languages, dressed in all these different kinds of clothes, and so on. It's got a lot of beautiful places, and I especially liked the vegetation. I live in CA, so there aren't much trees out here or anything. NY itself is pretty much a forest area. The architecture and the history of course are really nice, too. I especially loved the subway for reasons I can't fully explain. The unpredictability and the anonymity, the underground tunnels, being able to go wherever you want, the endless possibilities of people you might meet on a certain day. To me, it feels like your life can change at any moment, without even trying.
So, you like Hey Arnold? Have you ever visited any places you've liked?