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  • In the case of writing, I've moved from the usual story telling with lots of action, and I've been dwelling a lot on the character's inner thoughts/reflections/struggles. I find greater pleasure in delving into the person's depths - carving out the identity, the emotions, focusing on how the individual reacts in a certain situation - rather than weaving out the actual plot or creating dialogue, which can be quite unfortunate since most readers like action-based stories. I'm not sure when I went from Point A to Point B, but it's harder to write all those sweet, light-hearted stories now. If I do write any. They all now tend to turn out as serious, life-searching, monologue-type fiction. Maybe it's an INFJ thing, or maybe it's just the quarter-life crisis stage I'm at. (I hear INFPs like writing dialogues whereas INFJs prefer monologues, but I can't be certain.)

    The digging for information/reading up on issues of interest/getting fixated on seemingly unrelated topics and obsessively trying to find out all about them, it's been there ever since i can remember. I've never been able to explain why I get so 'zoomed in' on a specific topic or character and can spend hours learning about it. ( get that others get fixated on stuff as well - hobbies, careers, celebrities, etc) For me, it begins with this insatiable need to learn, to keep improving, to make constant progress, as a person. And sometimes it goes overboard. That's when I've to pull back and tell myself to chill.
    really a work of art; tense drama, great acting, beautiful set/locations, etc.
    Thanks! I've been reading on how analytical INFJs can be, how they're more inclined to non-fictional, thesis sort of writing instead of creative writing. Also, a lot of INFJs here seem more prone to analyzing posts than creative arts - lots of details and facts - so I was doubting a bit.
    Well I aspire this since I was about 16. Witch was 8 years ago, then decided to be down to earth, secured and etc until I figured that I basically could not stop thinking about it, therefore I thought to myself "hay, don't try to be realistic, no one is, if one trully grasps reality in its fullest, therefore he/she should be a god, now go and make some tracks".
    And here I am now.
    What changes are happening to you?
    Hi! I've a little favour to ask. Do you mind telling me what type I come across as? You seem to know the functions and types pretty well, so it'd be nice if I could get your opinion. =) I know what the test results say, but my choices on there might not reflect who I am well.
    All sorts of electronic dance music, mostly trying to mash them for greater effect, if it is possible, I am like an expert in how all of the specific EDM ganres sound.

    You are either the first one to not complain, or just in a pretty good mood.
    Well ... all sorts of cool stuff. Finishing the music production studio to be functional. Enrolling for music production courses and such. How about you?
    Thanks a lot for having this conversation with me, solongotgon. It's an uphill climb, but I'm gonna get there. :)
    I don't know for certain which function it is that makes us live in the future and envision all different kinds of scenarios that may or may not happen. It's a neutral function, but it can be used for imagining worst-case scenarios that can scare you off even before you take that first step in the right direction. INFJs are known for over-thinking, aren't they? :) I've heard Sensing people make great performers because they usually don't 'think/over-think', they just do it, whereas Ni people usually like to scout the situation out in their heads before taking action.

    Do you think our Ni, which tell us instinctively what to do in art, can be stifled by our perfectionist streak? We're so concerned about making it right that we suppress what Ni says, because we think as long as it's technically right, that's all that matters. (I'm trying to go in the opposite direction, btw. I've just been so used to following the rules in school that letting instinct rule over what my head says is right is a slow re-learning process.)

    Do you have any methods for focusing on being in the present moment and letting that stress go? I do know, as well as my current teachers, that I sing best when I'm not being concerned about getting the right technique - just focusing on the character and what the lyrics mean, and everything falls into place. In that state, I'm not tensed up or uptight. The mental state is most important, but it seems hardest to grasp.
    I'm reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, and the morning pages really help with soothing the perfectionist streak.

    I'm not all that familiar with the functions of INFJs, but I've read somewhere that the Ni or Ti can really be an obstacle for a creative arts individual. Do you have any thoughts on that? I think maybe if I know more about how it obstructs my process, I might be able to fix it...
    poke! Please read my blog! We tried to tag you but it automatically tags a different member instead lol
    Would you say all perfectionism stems from trying to maintain your image for the sake of others, or can there be another form of perfectionism - one that comes from our own high standards, our need for the art to be 'right', which is different from outside influence?
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